Guest blogger terms & conditions Pty Ltd (ABN: 64 128 352269) (coreplus) has invited you to participate by blogging on the website owned and operated by coreplus at (Blog).

In exchange for the opportunity to write and post a Blog, you agree that coreplus:

1. may edit the content of your Blog, and decide to use or not use the Blog, or any part of it, at it’s sole discretion;

2. may copy, publish, communicate to the public, broadcast or otherwise exploit the Blog (or portion of it) at it’s sole discretion;

3. has no obligation to pay or otherwise compensate you for the above;

4. will own all copyright in the Blog mentioned above. To the extent you may own any such copyright, you assign it to coreplus and you will do all things reasonably necessary to give effect to such assignment.

By agreeing to these terms, you:

5. consent to coreplus (as well asits assignees, licensees, and its successors in title) doing any or all acts oromissions in relation to the Blog that would otherwise be an infringement of anymoral rights under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), whether that act or omissionoccurred before or after this consent is given;

6. waive your rights to enforceany moral rights under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) in relation to the Blog andrelease coreplus from any personal right of action for any loss or damagearising from the use of the Blog;

7. agree to promote coreplus onany website operated by you.

agree that:

8. the above consent and waiverare given freely and genuinely and were not obtained under duress or false ormisleading statements; and

9. coreplus has no obligation topay or otherwise compensate you for the above.

coreplus is collecting your personalinformation, including your name and address, for the purpose of keeping arecord of your agreement to these terms. Your personal information, voice,likeness, and biographical information may also be used in the Blog (includingany promotional content for the Blog).

coreplus may share the above personalinformation about you with any of its service providers who assist it inproducing, disseminating or publishing its Blog. The privacy policy of corepluscontains information about how you can seek access to the personal information coreplusholds about you and seek its correction, and about how you can complain about aprivacy breach and how coreplus will deal with such a complaint.

You warrant that you are not aware of anyreason coreplus would be prevented from using your personal information, voice,likeness, or biographical information, or the Blog, as set out above and youwarrant the accuracy of any data provided to coreplus in connection with theseterms and conditions.

Indemnity and liability

You will indemnify and keep indemnifiedcoreplus, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, partners, employees andagents and other related bodies corporate against any action, loss, liability,damage, claim, penalty, cost or expense (including but not limited to legalfees) suffered directly or indirectly by coreplus, arising from:

(a) any breach by you of any obligationsunder these terms and conditions, any warranties or applicable law; and

(b) any claims made against coreplus inrelation to your access to and use of the website of coreplus.

You acknowledgeand agree that coreplus will not be liable to you for any action, loss,liability, damage, claim, penalty, cost or expense, which you may suffer orincur as a result of you publishing the Blog under these terms and conditions.

Changes to these terms and conditions

coreplus may change these terms and conditionsfrom time to time at its sole discretion.

coreplus– Blog author Terms & Conditions were updated: 25 May, 2024

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